From September 2020, it is a statutory requirement that all schools in England and Wales are teaching Relationships and Sex Education as a fundamental part of the curriculum.
At Essa Primary, PSHE is taught through our Jigsaw scheme of work. The scheme ensures that all year groups are accurately offering a breadth of coverage in line with the updated DfE guidance for the PSHE curriculum and standards from the PSHE Association. Jigsaw brings together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning.
As part of implementing the new updates to the RSE curriculum, schools must consult with children, parents, staff and governors to ensure there is a general consensus on our approaches to policy and curriculum content.
Please find below links to further documents that help to explain the changes to the PSHE curriculum.
RSE Primary Schools – Guide for Parents
Link given below
Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education – National Curriculum
Link given below
Consultation Process
Our parent and carer consultation will be taking place in spring term (date to be confirmed). Parents will be able to share their views on the new curriculum and give feedback. More details will be shared about this next term.